Loan Rates

Oswego County Federal Credit Union Loan Product Addendum Effective 03/07/2025
All Rates Are Annual Percentage Rate (APR)

Overdraft Line of Credit:

Loan Type Max. Amount Term Rate
Overdraft $1000.00 n/a 13.9%

One Year Loan:

Rate: A + 730+ Rate: A
Rate: B
Rate: C
Rate: D
Rate: E
7.00% 8.00% 9.00% 10.00% 11.00% 12.00%

Personal Loan:

Term Rate: Base +100 +200 +400 +800 +1200
13-24 mos. 8.00% 9.00% 10.00% 12.00% 16.00% 17.99%
25-36 mos. 9.00% 10.00% 11.00% 13.00% 17.00% 17.99%
37-48 mos. 10.50% 11.50% 12.50% 14.50% 17.99% 17.99%
49-60 mos. 11.50% 12.50% 13.50% 15.50% 17.99% 17.99%

Vehicle Loans:

Secured: Term: Rate:
+100 +200 +400 +800 +1200
New Autos/Motorcycles
2024 & Newer 1-36 mos. 6.24% 7.24% 8.24% 10.24% 14.24% 17.99%
37-60 mos. 6.74% 7.74% 8.74% 10.74% 14.74% 17.99%
61-72 mos. 6.99% 7.99% 8.99% 10.99% 14.99% 17.99%
73-84 mos. 7.49% 8.49% 9.49% 11.49% 15.49% 17.99%
Used Autos/Motorcycles
2023-2021 1-36 mos. 6.74% 7.74% 8.74% 10.74% 14.74% 17.99%
37-60 mos. 7.24% 8.24% 9.24% 11.24% 15.24% 17.99%
61-72 mos. 7.49% 8.49% 9.49% 11.49% 15.49% 17.99%
2020-Older 1-36 mos. 8.24% 9.24% 10.24% 12.24% 16.24% 17.99%
37-48 mos. 8.49% 9.49% 10.49% 12.49% 16.49% 17.99%
2020-Older ($20,000 Minimum and less than 100,000 miles) 49-60 mos. 8.74% 9.74% 10.74% 12.74% 16.74% 17.99%
2024 & Newer 1-48 mos. 6.20% 7.20% 8.20% 10.20% 14.20% 17.99%
49-96 mos. 6.70% 7.70% 8.70% 10.70% 14.70% 17.99%
97-120 mos. 7.20% 8.20% 9.20% 11.20% 15.20% 17.99%
2024 & Newer ($50,000 Minimum) 121-180 mos. 7.70% 8.70% 9.70% 11.70% 15.70% 17.99%
2023-2021 1-48 mos. 6.95% 7.95% 8.95% 10.95% 14.95% 17.99%
49-96 mos. 7.45% 8.45% 9.45% 11.45% 15.45% 17.99%
97-120 mos. 7.95% 8.95% 9.95% 11.95% 15.95% 17.99%
2023-2021 ($50,000 Minimum) 121-180 mos. 8.45% 9.45% 10.45% 12.45% 16.45% 17.99%
2020-Older 1-48 mos. 7.45% 8.45% 9.45% 11.45% 15.45% 17.99%
49-96 mos. 7.95% 8.95% 9.95% 11.95% 15.95% 17.99%
2020 & Older ($25,000 Minimum) 97-120 mos. 8.45% 9.45% 10.45% 12.45% 16.45% 17.99%
2020 & Older ($50,000 Minimum) 121-180 mos. 8.95% 9.95% 10.95% 12.95% 16.95% 17.99%

Home Equity Loans:

Home Equity Loans

Rate: Base +50 +100 +150 +200 +250
1-60 mos. 5.99% 6.49% 6.99% 7.49% 7.99% 8.49%
61-120 mos. 6.49% 6.99% 7.49% 7.99% 8.49% 8.99%
121-180 mos. 6.99% 7.49% 7.99% 8.49% 8.99% 9.49%
Share Purchase Loans 9.9%
First Lien Equities will be 1.49% higher than the average prime rate offer published every Monday

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